Dear: Don't play lah, wait I drop down and die how?
Me: (being romantic) I die with you lor.
Dear: Cannot...
For a moment I thought it was going to be a rare romantic moment from him and was smiling from ear to ear...
Dear: ...If you die, who burn dota for me?
I tio pwned... by dota...
Feeling a tad more relaxed already. Another paper down means another module cleared. This overlapping of modules is driving me MAD! Tomorrow class starts again... Have yet to prepare and do the pre-assignments. Better start soon after I finish this post...
Met the Pingster for dinner just now at Cafe Cartel. I ordered Chicken and Mushroom baked Macaroni. Yummy yummy... Can you see the cheezeeeeeeeeeee?
For so long, hearing the album so many times, I always held back my tears when hearing my diva A*Mei sings 如果你也听说. Hearing her sing so sadly and painfullly makes me wana cry because being a fan and knowing all kinda rough patches she has endured through, I know exactly what the lyrics mean to her. After holding back the tears so many times, I finally cried hearing her sing "live" just now on 我爱黑涩会. 阿妹, 为设么要唱的那么悲伤? Die, concert I must prepare lots and lots of tissue liao...
pacey LUV cheese :)
next time we should all go eat cheese fondue pizza :D
i really really really wish i didnt order the beef lasagne. it sucked :(
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