Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Glee Project - Down To Final 4...

Ok, I'm finally up to date and just finished episode 9 of The Glee Project. Watching some of my favourites go one by one, it's super heartbreaking.

First of them to go was Marissa von Bleicken. Pretty gal with a good voice. She brings it on every week and is dynamic on screen, the camera loves her!
Week 6, and the theme was Tenacity. She won the Homework Assignment, but the judges felt she fell short a little during the music video shoot and she just wasn't how she was week in week out. During the Last Chance Performance, she was up against Alex Newell and Cameron Mitchell, and the judges picked a song that they had sung from their auditions. She did a good job, but Alex and Cameron did fabulously great, hence she was sent home.
Some questions Ryan would ask himself before deciding was "how to write a character for that person", "how would this person fit into Glee", etc... Honestly, I really don't know what kinda character Marissa could play. But thinking about the cast who are graduating at the end of S3 and what kinda characters are missing, I was thinking she could probably be some kinda hot nerdy chick? But that isn't much character/plot development to talk about eh?

Next was dear Cameron. He's so darn nerdy cute! He's a singer-songwriter, who performed an original song during auditions. Now, that's what we are missing on Glee, a singer-songwriter. Yes, New Directions is a show choir club, they do not need originals. But it would be a very interesting character to put in.
Ryan had been always wanting to write in a character with strong religious beliefs and Cameron fit into this character so darn well! He's so pure and innocent, that when Lindsay Pearce kissed him on the lips impromptu during a music video shoot, he felt that he had cheated on his girlfriend of 2 years. It's acting, but he felt that it was still wrong. He's suuuch a sweetie-pie!!!!! Awwwwww...
During the Last Chance Performance, Ryan told him he had always been wanting to write that character. If plot develops and Cameron has to kiss Rachel Berry's character, he said Cameron would be a showstopper because of his own personality. And Cameron said he wants out. Ryan told him that that decision saved Damian McGinty. What makes it so darn heartwrenching is that Cameron and Damian are the best of buds! Seeing Cameron cross out Damian's name in the "not called back" list and writing his own name just broke my heart...

3rd one to go was Hannah McIalwain. To make it bad enough for me, all 3 of them were eliminated one after another, week after week... The week's theme was Believability, but during the music video shoot, she wasn't totally in the zone. During the Last Chance Performance, she didn't really connected and convinced with the song.
Hannah is so loveable and she is one character that Glee hasn't seen yet. Yes, we have a plus size gal already, but Lauren Zizes is like the cool type, while Hannah could be a cute, loveable, bubbly one. She can rap and they call her MC Hannah. LOL!

And now, 4 are left in the finals. Well, it was supposed to be Top 3, but I guess since the theme was Generosity, none were cut. So, here's a round up and my thoughts about the last 4...
Lindsay is a real life Rachel Berry, she IS the obnoxious and try-to-be-perfect Rachel Berry. It would be interesting to have another Rachel Berry character, since the original one is going to graduate and New Directions will need another female lead. But I kinda think it's no point having another Rachel Berry kinda character, it just doesn't feel fresh.
Alex is a cross of Mercedes Jones and Kurt Hummel, so where does this get him? I think it would be great to see an episode where Alex and Mercedes can trash out who's the real diva. Alex could also be love interest to Dave Karofsky and sistas to Kurt and Blaine Anderson?

The remaining 2 are also my faves and I'm so hoping one of them would win...

Samuel Larsen is special. He looks like a cool, collected, tough rocker, bad-boy kinda guy. But like Cameron, he was raised in a traditional Christian family.
He was afraid his mum would be upset that he was romancing Alex in a music video shoot. During a Last Chance Performance, that was touched on a little. He explained to his mum that it was only acting and his mum was very supportive.
I could see Ryan writing that religious character for him. He is slightly different from Cameron. Cameron has this innocent boy thing and kissing on reel is a no-no, though it's acting, but that's what makes him sweet. Sam knows when he's acting and when it's for real. But he's sooooo darn cool, it's like there's a shield and you are unable to get inside of him...

Damian is another cutie-pie. His Irish accent makes him so cute!!! Of the 4, he seems the most real. He doesn't look like he's hamming up for the camera and he feels sincere. He grows every week and regardless if he or Sam wins, I'll be one happy girl.
I kinda think he's a perfect character to write for. A boy comes from Ireland with his family as his dad got a job posting in the US. He's an outcast because of his accent and joins New Directions because he loves to sing! As the winner, one would get a 7 episode stint on Glee, so at the end of the 7th episode, his dad's job assignment ends and he returns to Ireland. Tada! Perfect!

Yeah, and now it's time for me to hit the sack...

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