Saturday, July 05, 2008

The Devil And The Angel Fights Again...

Fight, fight only... Only know how to fight!!!

So, eh you the devil, stop asking me not to read through my notes lah. Listen to the angel on the other side of my shoulder!!! So what if you look like Man U's mascot huh? Must listen to you meh? 13 hours only!!! And that 13 hours includes sleeping time!!! Eh zai... Tahan... 13 more hours only... If can finish the paper earlier, hiak hiak hiak, muuuuuuuuuahahahahahahaha... Ganbatte ne!!! Angel, I think I need words of encouragement... Aiyah, both of you can fight it out lah, I feel like sleeping now...

THE COUNTDOWN STARTS TO NO MORE EXAMS!!! (oops, sorry for the caps... too excited liaos...) Wooooooooooohhhhoooooooo!!!

Yesh, naggy angel, must read notes first before sleeping...

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