Tuesday, April 26, 2005

A diary of the (suspect) cancer patient...

Went for the biopsy yesterday. According to everyone, including the doc, they have put a mini-cam on a stick and sutffed it into my throat. From there, they will guide the mini-cam to the back of the nose, end of the throat, blah blah...
Swelling of the lymp node on the right went down a bit. but have to take medication for the "infection" on my throat.

Now, my throat is feeling slightly better. but the swelling on the right went up double. Now i can't turn my head as its damn aching... aching... sigh... damn aching... Had trouble washing my hair just now even... Dear dear thinks its due to the antibiotics given for the infection...

Dear dear bought me a sunflower to cheer me up, so sweet right?

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